Saturday, October 08, 2011

Not much to write about. I am STILL in Chicago. Been here for 10 days. I meant to stay for three. But I have been having a good time, and I want to see the Indianapolis Motor Speedway tour which is available next on Monday, so I just stuck around. Tomorrow I leave for Indianapolis, so the Odyssey will continue.

I did read with interest about the verdict in the Eastwood case. Alexis has been kind enough to keep in touch, and I have been curious about the case. I suppose the finding of NGRI was no shock in light of the psychiatrists' opinions, but the jury's decision that he was sane on one count was surprising. He knew it was wrong to have the gun but not to shoot kids with it? Of course, the major concern with NGRI verdicts is not the defendant's submission to the state hospital, but the hospital's subsequent, and inevitable, decision to allow release. Eastwood is pretty clearly crazy, and obviously violent and dangerous, but in five years or so the same shrinks who said he was nuts will say he is well enough to live among us. That's when the record made in the trial will make a difference. Hopefully there will be enough of a record made of how dangerous he is that when they go to let him go the judge will require enough safeguards.

I looked to see if they had made the nominations for the Colorado Supreme Court. I have hopes my friend Bob Russel will be appointed. He, of course, was nominated last time. Bob would be a terrific Supreme Court justice. He is brilliant, and yet grounded. Maybe this time. I did not see any announcement yet.

Meg is back in Denver for a while. She is working with the students at her old high school, Denver School of the Arts. She took the initiative to ask the dance teacher if she could do a piece with the students and he agreed. Meg is having a great time. She is really impressed with the kids. I hope this goes well. I am very proud of Meg for doing this.

The weather is still glorious here. Summer-like, with highs in the 80s and not a drop of rain. I keep thinking I had better hit the road before Mother Nature decided to make a change. The forecast is pretty good most of the week, so I should have no trouble.

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