Monday, January 23, 2012
Sometimes when I can’t think of what to blog about I turn to
the internet, the repository of all the world’s information. I use a website called “”
which brings up random websites based upon interests of mine which I put in
when I signed up. Today, I found this fascinating
website that purports to have a list of phobias. I have no idea if these are real phobias or
just some words some moron dug up, but it is pretty interesting if they really
Agliophobia – Fear of pain. Yeah, don’t we all
have that?
Atomosophobia- Fear of atomic explosions. See above.
Barophobia- Fear of gravity.
You can only live in the space station?
Catagelophobia- Fear of being ridiculed. Obviously I do not suffer
from this one or else I would not write this blog, or at least not post it.
Coitophobia- Fear of coitus. Obviously, not hereditary.
Counterphobia- The preference by a phobic for fearful situations. Explain this one. I mean really, this sounds like just straight
mental illness to me.
Dentophobia- Fear of dentists. See the first two.
Dikephobia- Fear of justice. Maybe we should rename this to “The Public Defenders’ Disease.”
Ephebiphobia- Fear of teenagers.
Or pretty much the state of anyone with teenage children.
Euphobia- Fear of hearing good news. No way. This does not exist. Strangely, there is no phobia for hearing bad
Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down. Useful when getting tickets to sold out events, but very difficult when you have to go to the
bathroom. However, if you also suffer
from Scatophobia- Fear of fecal matter maybe you can figure out a solution.
Medomalacuphobia- Fear of losing an erection. Or what we call “Viagra syndrome”
Neopharmaphobia- Fear of new drugs. Which makes this one very difficult to treat.
Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8. 13 and 666 also have
Peccatophobia- Fear of sinning or imaginary crimes. Imaginary
Pteronophobia- Fear of being tickled by feathers. Apparently other types of tickling is ok.
Rhytiphobia- Fear of getting wrinkles. This must be pretty common
as there is an entire industry fighting wrinkles.
Venustraphobia- Fear of beautiful women. Based upon my experience, this is not a
phobia, just self defense.
Walloonphobia- Fear of the Walloons. Walloons?
I had to look it up. They are a
French-speaking people who live in Belgium.
They seemed to be pretty active in the Belgian revolution, which must
have put some fear into the royal family.
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat. See the first entry on
the list.
If this list is freaking you out you might have phobophobia- fear of
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